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Heath and fitness makes perfect body 2025


 Heath and fitness makes perfect body 2025

Heath and fitness makes perfect body 2025

There is no one, widely accepted definition of physical fitness or its constituent parts, despite the fact that there are numerous sources that offer definitions of the term (see sample definitions to the right). Using definitions from their own sources is suggested for educators.

All of the body's major systems, including the heart and lungs, the skeleton, the muscles, and the brain, must function together and efficiently in order to be considered physically fit.

FITT Principle

According to the FITT principle, an exercise routine should include exercises and activities that will improve the health-related fitness components:


Any workout program or sports training must include warm-up exercises to get the body and mind ready for movement. It's important to remember that a planned warm-up routine is crucial for avoiding injuries, performing at your best, and having the most fun. A good warm-up raises the heart rate as well as the respiratory rate. In addition to raising the body's muscle temperature by increasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles, this also helps raise the body's core temperature. Raising the temperature of the muscles promotes their pliability, suppleness, and looseness. The fact that warm-up exercises provide the participant a chance to psychologically get ready for the next workout is another factor supporting their significance.

Cardiorespiratory endurance

It is advised to engage in at least three 20–30 minute aerobic exercise sessions per week. Brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, rope-jumping, rowing, cross-country skiing, and several continuous action sports like basketball and soccer are popular aerobic conditioning exercises. A person's starting level of fitness determines the kind of exercise that is appropriate for them to increase their cardiorespiratory fitness. A jog can be a warm-up for one person and an intense workout for another.

Exercise Routine

Each student will design their own workout regimen and track their progress as part of a personal physical activity practicum. Students should choose exercises that will raise their degree of personal fitness when creating an exercise regimen.


When beginning an exercise regimen, beginners may begin with a cardiorespiratory plan.Walking three times a week could be the first step in a fitness regimen for some kids. The next steps in their plan would be to increase the amount of time spent walking (measured in minutes), walk faster, or walk more frequently.

General Resistance Training Guidelines

Regardless of whether one is training for strength or endurance, resistance training requires that exercises be completed until exhaustion or failure. There was not enough overload if, once the set is over, it seems like four more repetitions might have been done.The following are more recommendations for resistance training:


A minimum of 2 or 3 sessions per week are required to see change (2 for beginners, more than 2 for intermediate and advanced).

Muscle or muscle group:For each muscle or muscle group, perform one to three exercises (1 for beginners, 1 or 2 for intermediate, and 1 to 3 for advanced). To avoid boredom and injuries, switch up the exercises for every muscle group every one to two months.

Sets: Each exercise should be performed in one to three sets (1 for beginners, 1 or 2 for intermediate, and 1 to 3 for advanced).

Perform 6–20 repetitions (16–20 for endurance, 10–16 = strength/endurance, 6–10 = strength). First month for endurance, second month for strength/endurance, third month for strength, and so on, cycle through all three repetition levels. Give static and isometric exercises 30 to 90 seconds.


Safety Considerations

The following must be taken into account in order to guarantee safety:

Consult the weight room supervisor or physical education teacher for advice.

Before beginning any resistance training, even if you are not doing any CRE exercises, do a general warm-up.

Verify that a trained instructor demonstrates the proper way to complete the activities. Maintaining proper form lowers the chance of injury and speeds up the growth of muscular mass and strength.


Spend five to ten minutes doing static stretching exercises at the conclusion of each session. When a workout consists of both weight training and CRE, it is preferable to save flexibility for the very end of the program.

Safety Considerations

The following must be taken into account in order to guarantee safety:

A stretch shouldn't hurt; instead, it should feel like a little tug.

Don't bounce.

Try to maintain a stretch for 30 seconds or more.

Do not forget to breathe normally.

Stretching tense postural muscles is important.

Intermediate or Advanced

It is advised that students who are currently engaged in intermediate or advanced cardiorespiratory exercises add some weight training to their regimen.

Advanced resistance training students could just stick to an established program while incorporating new and varied exercises. Make certain that these children have a strategy for their cardiovascular and respiratory health.


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