, pub-7337774542394297, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 How to build successfully digital products in 2025 >expr:class='data:blog.pageType' id='mainContent'>

How to build successfully digital products in 2025


 How to build successfully digital products in 2025

What is a digital product?

For us, it refers to any software program having a specific function. Every digital product reflects the objectives of its authors as well as the context in which it is used.A variety of professional abilities, including service design, digital design, software development, testing, analytics, and marketing, are needed to create a successful digital product.The final product could be any program, including web services and mobile apps. There are countless options for various platforms and use scenarios.

Design-oriented development

Design-driven development is our guiding principle for creating digital goods. All of the concepts in this document are guided by this.Design-driven design places the end user at the forefront of our thinking from the very beginning. Every stage of the project is guided by this methodology. A digital product must support the objectives of its creators' business as well as those of its users.

Simple is elegant and effective when it comes to digital product design. In the end, we think that the most economical method of producing high-quality digital products is by far a design-driven approach.


The world is full of digital items, some of which are more beneficial than others. Not creating digital trash is our guiding principle. A top-notch digital product has a very clear purpose: it fulfills the objectives of the company that created it as well as the needs of its consumers.

Quality also refers to the user-friendly interface made possible by a strong technical implementation. Complex problems can be made elegant by simplifying and beautifying them.

Regarding agility

The way that agile is perceived and implemented in the real work varies somewhat.

The most crucial agile aspect, in our opinion, is gathering input in many formats at each stage of development and having the flexibility and desire to alter course in response to it.This entails using prototypes, interviews, and other service design tools and techniques to validate the concepts in design. Peer review procedures and meticulous testing loops are examples of how it manifests technically. Analytics aids in the collection and measurement of additional data, including KPIs and user behavior.

Getting organized

Target and context

Setting the scene, identifying the goals, outlining the resources at hand, and comprehending the constraints are all essential first steps in any successful digital project. The team as a whole has to understand all of these.The right course of action can only be selected once these steps have been completed. This is arguably the most crucial phase in beginning a project and applies to undertakings of all sizes.

Building unit

The project and project phase have an impact on the team's size and makeup. We adhere to the work-pair principle, which states that each project participant should have a support system.

A product owner should oversee a project on behalf of the client and make decisions that advance the higher-level objectives that have been established.Deliverables fall under the purview of the project manager. The talents needed determine which other team members are chosen.

Making decisions

To guarantee success, decision-making skills are essential. There will be literally hundreds or thousands of decisions to be made throughout a project, both big and minor. These must all be in line with the overarching goal. Team decisions should and typically are made for the great majority of decisions.But, like a ship's captain, the person with the most responsibility must have the last word. However, a shrewd captain always involves the squad to increase dedication and participation.

Kick-off meeting

The initial project meeting is known as the kick-off. Internal business strategies or a round of quotation requests and offers have frequently come before this meeting. The purpose is to establish a mutual understanding of the project's objectives and context, as well as to start things going.The duration of a typical kick-off meeting might range from a few hours to an entire workday. The rough timetable and future actions are decided upon.



What matters


Design is the process of distilling the essential solution and giving it a form that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. Cost-effectiveness is made possible by an investment in quality design since only the most important elements are created for the finished product. When it comes to digital products, there is no obvious distinction between design and implementation.



Both Design Thinking and Lean approaches have a significant influence on our design process.Design Thinking, in our opinion, is all about being solution-focused; the primary function of design should always be to map out actual problems and identify solutions.The idea of including clients and end users in the iteration and testing process is the Lean principle that most influences us.




The technical execution of a digital product is constantly reflected in it, and vice versa. Design and implementation are inextricably linked. Both have to be there from the beginning.There are numerous methodologies and technologies that can be used in technical implementation. However, some fit better than others.


Basic analytics

Although the most popular analytics platforms include enough features to meet nearly every demand, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that the integrations and setup are done correctly.Bringing the key metrics to a dashboard for convenient access is a smart idea once the foundational analytics setup is complete.The approaches that are selected are always a compromise between a number of different criteria. Based on input from actual use, decisions should be made to make sure they are easy to upgrade and endure throughout time.


Having both front-end and back-end monitoring and error reporting enables prompt response to production faults.

The service determines the precise collection of data that must be gathered and tracked. Technically speaking, it should be selected based on what enables us to keep an eye on things when preventing and addressing potential problems. Metrics like CPU and memory utilization, instance load, the quantity of successful requests, etc., are always important.After the issue has been found, updating the system is simple after the CD pipelines have been established. 

Matrix of testing for the Device S operating system

When testing mobile apps, there are many different operating system and device combinations to take into account. The same is true for browsers and browser versions and web apps.The device S operating system test matrix and device S browser test matrix are useful tools for identifying which use cases are pertinent to priorities.We generate a map of likely OS/device/version combinations based on the available market data and the specific needs of the product in question. After that, these can be ranked according to budget and time.


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